3 Questions To Ask Before You Commit To An Auto Insurance Company
Nearly everyone must carry auto insurance. In some states, it is required by law to have to have some sort of insurance. However, too many people just get a quote from an insurance provider, like the price and sign up with the company without asking some important questions first. Here are some things you should be asking before you commit to your auto insurance:
1. What Is My Deductible?
Having really inexpensive auto insurance is great, but in some cases, it does come with a price. If the cost of the insurance is incredibly low, you need to figure out why, because you will sacrifice on something. One thing that many people don't look at is the amount of their deductible. The deductible is the amount that you will pay out of pocket if you need to file a claim before your insurance kicks in. For example, If you have a $2000 deductible, then you will have to cover all of that before you can even get help. A normal deductible is somewhere around $500. You can go for a higher deductible and get upwards of $1000. But anything higher than that is not normal. The higher your deductible, the more you will save each month in your premiums. In some cases, it may be worth it to you to save money each month and pay more out of pocket if the accident happens, but you should at least know this number before you commit.
2. Do They Give Discounts?
Some companies have great discounts that they offer to their clients. These discounts can include bundling your coverage. So if you put your homeowner's insurance at the same company, you can save a good deal on both policies each month. Other discounts may be good driver discounts if you don't get any tickets or get in an accident. A discount for buying an environmentally conscious car and so forth. These discounts are a great way to save money without sacrificing coverage.
3. What is The Customer Service Like?
When you do need to file a claim you need to know that you can get customer service to respond right away. Some companies have great prices but don't have the customer service to match. This is why you need to make sure you check how good their customer service is before you commit.
By asking these questions, you can be confident you chose the right auto insurance. Check out a website like http://www.wyattinsuranceca.com/ for more information and assistance.